Why My Pharmaceutical Aseptic Filling Machine Is Better Than Others


Pharmaceutical Aseptic Filling Machine Insights From Micro Thermics

The demand for food and beverages with lengthy shelf life and no preservatives has increased as a result of consumers' growing health consciousness. Processes like batching or hot-filling are too destructive to products. Aseptic processing (continuous sterilization) using Pharmaceutical Aseptic Filling Machine has so gained enormous popularity. Due to its popularity, aseptic bottle filling machines and packaging items are now the subject of further research and development.

Aseptically producing small quantities of these beverages for various product development activities, such as shelf-life testing, physical stability testing, and product/package interaction studies, has become more important as beverage companies seek to apply cold aseptic filling to a variety of beverages. Researchers can fill novel beverages into plastic bottles with high levels of sterility assurance with our aseptic laboratory fillers and aseptic bottle filling equipment right in the lab.

How Does Our Pharmaceutical Aseptic Filling Machine Works?

It performs incredibly well! Our aseptic laboratory filler's goal is to sterilize bottles (and caps), then fill and seal them with the sterile materials in a sterile environment, just like professional aseptic fillers. The aseptic laboratory fillers offered by Micro Thermic are linear. On a conveyor, the bottles are fed into the device. The bottles enter the sterile zone after being partially covered in a vaporous sterilant and filled with it. The bottles are carried to the filling station after being dried with a jet of hot, sterile air in the sterile zone for disinfection. Sterilized bottle caps are automatically applied to bottles once they have been filled with sterile goods. The filled bottles with caps then depart the sterile area.


  • Preparation of samples in genuine consumer-style packaging for taste panels and trade shows.
  • Interaction studies between products and packages across time.
  • Studies on the long-term shelf life under normal conditions.
  • Studies on long-term physical stability.
  • Determining if bottles and caps are suitable for aseptic filling

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